Silex, session 2019-2020
Silexes, or flints, sparkle when they smash together. In the upcoming year, Silex would like to strive our best to meet various aims.
‘Summon the Passion, Venture new Visions.’
First, Silex believes experiences from the past Executive Committee are worth-learning. Silex would like to learn from the passion and merits of the past, hoping they would be our stepping stone to pursue excellence. In addition, Silex desires to innovate from the basics.
Moreover, Silex would like to drum up Members’ interest in geography, geology and archaeology. Similar to how silexes crash to kindle, Silex believes interest is cultivated by attempts. Hence, Silex would like to promote the passion towards geography, geology and archaeology among Members by providing them multifarious opportunities to try and learn.
‘Together we Twinkle, Overcome all Hurdles.’
Resembling the dense texture of silexes, Silex promises to work with care and caution. In this year, we will prepare exhaustive and comprehensive proposals. We hope we could be as tough as silexes, granting us the ability to overcome hurdles on our way. Silex would also like to act as a bridge of communication between Staff and Geography Students like how sediments are compacted in silexes.
Silex united eight zealous geography-lovers. All of us are distinct and unique with different strengths and weaknesses. We hope we could cooperate to give full play to our strengths while complementing each other’s weaknesses. Furthermore, we promise we will listen to voices from different parties and strive for distinction through improvement.
Given the opportunity, Silex would devote ourselves whole-heartedly with commitment.