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Navitas, Session 2014-2015
In Latin, Navitas carries the meaning of energy. Energy appears in every aspect of our lives and our cabinet believes that it can symbolize our aspirations and motivations. In physics, energy is something that can neither be created nor destroyed and that it can only be transferred. Just like energy, the imperishable spirits and traditions of this society have been passed on from generations to generations ever since its foundation in 1955. We aspire to maintain this continuous flow of energy alongside our ambition to uphold our leadership with contemporary visions.
Energy vividly describes the passion and dedication of our cabinet. Through radiating positive energy, our cabinet members strive to uphold faith and trust towards each other in reaching our common goals. We aspire to influence and motivate fellow Geography lovers with our high spirits so that our energy can trickle down and inspire other individuals.
Our cabinet is prepared to overcome any challenges ahead with our perpetual energy and perseverance. We will regard Navitas as our guiding principle and strive for excellence as we progress with this society.
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